Guangzhou Anern Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

Why Develop Industrial and Commercial Photovoltaic Projects?

As the continuous promotion of the distributed photovoltaic pilot project, government agencies, schools, hospitals, industrial parks, and others have all invested in the rush to install photovoltaic systems, thus commercial photovoltaics have welcomed rapid development. So, what exactly is a commercial solar energy storage system?

The concept of commercial solar energy storage system

Commercial solar energy storage system, is installed on the rooftops of government agencies, hospitals, schools, shopping malls, office buildings, industrial and commercial parks, and other commercial-related buildings. It is usually a part of distributed photovoltaic projects.

The features of commercial solar energy storage system

Commercial solar energy storage system usually utilizes the idle rooftop resources, laying photovoltaic panels above them. It is characterized by low investment cost, short payback period, and stable returns. Moreover, commercial photovoltaics, mostly being part of distributed projects, possess the feature of local development and nearby consumption, significantly enhancing the utilization rate of photovoltaic power generation. In addition, commercial solar energy storage systems are green and environmentally friendly projects, providing insulation, moisture-proof, and thermal insulation effects to the rooftop, which can extend the roof's service life while also enhancing its aesthetic appeal.

The power distribution method of commercial solar energy storage system

Commercial solar energy storage system projects usually adopt the self-consumption with excess power fed to the grid distribution method. The so-called self-consumption means that the photovoltaic components convert solar energy into electrical energy through the semiconductor principle, and the generated direct current is then converted into alternating current by an inverter for use by commercial buildings. Excess power to the grid refers to the surplus part, not used by itself, being uploaded to the electricity grid, such as the State Grid or Southern Power Grid, thereby obtaining corresponding electricity fee income and government subsidies. Most small energy-consuming enterprises use this method, which can quickly recoup the investment.

Another common method is complete self-consumption, which is most common in enterprises with large energy consumption. Generally, the electricity generated by photovoltaic is not enough to fully supply the energy needs, so the enterprise also needs to purchase power from the grid or through the electricity market. With the advent of the era of grid parity for photovoltaic power generation, photovoltaic self-consumption has become a cheap, environmentally friendly, and safe way of electricity usage, thus being favored by commercial enterprises.

Of course, there is also a distribution method—full feed-in to the grid, meaning that commercial enterprises do not use the electricity generated by the photovoltaic system, and the photovoltaic station project is entirely used as an investment, obtaining electricity fee income.

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