Guangzhou Anern Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

What Factors Should Be Considered When Installing Rural Solar Light Street Lamps?

In order to present a brand new appearance for rural areas, the construction project of new rural areas is being carried out enthusiastically. Installing solar energy-powered LED street lights is an important link in the beautification and illumination of rural roads. Of course, to ensure the solar light street lamps in villages can work normally and efficiently, the installation of village solar motion street lights also has some requirements on geographical location.

The place where solar light street lamps are installed should avoid having too many obstructions

For example, obstructions such as tree leaves, buildings, etc., that block the sunlight, affecting the absorption and utilization of solar energy, leading to a decrease in the charging efficiency of the solar panels. If solar panels are installed under wires, branches, lamp posts, or other obstructions, a shadow will be left on the solar panel during the day. Since the solar panel's cells are generally connected in multiple strings, if a shadow appears on one string of cells and the shadow is relatively deep, in severe cases, this string will be equivalent to a broken circuit, and if this solar panel is connected in multiple strings1 in parallel, this solar panel will not generate electricity.

Do not install solar light street lamps in a bilaterally symmetrical manner

Solar panels facing each other should not be installed in an inclined symmetrical manner. Some customers might do this for aesthetic reasons, but if one side is oriented correctly, then the other side is definitely wrong. The wrong side, because the sunlight cannot directly shine on the solar panel, will have reduced charging efficiency.

The installation distance of solar light street lamps should not be too large

The distance between rural solar LED street lights is determined by various factors such as the lighting power of the street light, the height of the street light, and the width of the road, usually 25 to 50m is common. However, some villages calculate the distance based on how many street lights they can buy with their budget, or to save budget, they increase the distance between street lights, but the Baoding solar light street lamp manufacturer reminds everyone that too large a distance between lights will affect the brightness of the illumination.

It is also necessary to note that there should not be any reference light sources next to the solar panel, to avoid having a reference light source next to the solar panel, causing the solar panel's charging voltage to be above the light control voltage point, preventing the lights from turning on. For example, if there is another street light next to the solar motion street light, when night falls and the nearby street light turns on, the solar panel of the village solar light street lamp detects the light source and mistakenly thinks it is daytime, at this time the controller will not allow it to light up.

Furthermore, ordinary solar motion street lights are suitable for installation in areas within 2000 meters above sea level and with humidity not exceeding 80%, which only affects a few areas, and most areas can use them normally.

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