Guangzhou Anern Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

How Do Inverters Respond Under Persistent High Temperatures in Many Places?

Recently, high temperatures have been frequent, with temperatures in many places surpassing 40℃, many users may fall into a misconception: with abundant sunshine in summer, wouldn't the electricity generation of photovoltaic power stations be higher? In fact, it is not the case, as the electricity generation of photovoltaic power stations is determined by various factors, among which irradiance and ambient temperature are more critical. The scorching summer often comes with high temperatures rather than high irradiance. The temperature characteristic of solar modules is a negative temperature coefficient, and the power generation performance of modules decreases as the temperature rises. Therefore, the peak of electricity generation in photovoltaic power stations often occurs in late spring or early summer, or late summer or early autumn, when the ambient temperature is suitable and the irradiance is high, reaching the best conditions for photovoltaic power generation.

Moreover, solar inverters are usually installed outdoors, and may even be exposed to direct sunlight. The internal temperature of the inverter can also increase under high-temperature conditions in summer, and the high temperature might cause the inverter to derate due to over-temperature protection, affecting the power generation of the plant. Therefore, the heat dissipation performance of the inverter is one of the important factors affecting the efficiency of power generation and service life. Next, let's introduce how inverters can better cope with high-temperature weather.

Ensure air circulation around the solar inverter

Ensure solar inverter's surrounding air circulation is smooth, do not install the inverter in a cramped and enclosed environment. When installing multiple inverters on the same plane, ensure there is sufficient distance between each inverter. This not only ensures ventilation and heat dissipation for the inverter but also provides enough space for maintenance later on.

Avoid expose the solar inverter to wind and sun exposure

Also, although the solar inverter is rated IP66 or IP65, reducing the chances of the inverter being exposed to wind, sun, and rain can extend the life of the inverter. Solar inverters when installed, can be placed under modules or eaves. If the inverter is installed on a color steel tile roof, it is recommended to install a sunshade at the same time, which can not only shield from wind and rain but also reduce direct sunlight, lower the temperature of the inverter, avoid derating due to overheating, and ensure efficiency in power generation.

Pay attention to the post-maintenance of the solar inverter

After installing a solar inverter, it is also important to focus on its follow-up maintenance. Regularly clean the fan, fan cover, or heat sink to ensure the inverter's heat dissipation and cooling. Generally, inverter cooling adopts intelligent air cooling technology. The fan adjusts its speed intelligently according to the internal temperature of the inverter. When the inverter works in a high-temperature environment, intelligent air cooling technology can effectively reduce the possibility of derating, ensuring the stable operation of the inverter while extending the fan's life. Moreover, solar inverters come with fan failure alarm functions. Maintenance personnel can receive alarm information from the monitoring backend, allowing for quick and accurate fault localization, facilitating timely troubleshooting of fan failures, minimizing generation losses, and safeguarding power generation revenue.

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